More than 1200

DAP professionals

More than 1200

DAP professionals certified

Develop a self-sufficient digital adoption team

After more than a decade helping enterprises solve digital adoption challenges, we know what skills and knowledge your team needs to grow a self-sufficient program and establish yourselves as the authorities for managing digital change in your organization.
  • hand-icon

    Learn the fundamentals online at your own pace

  • Develop

    Enhance your expertise by deep diving into topics with Master Classes

  • Quality

    Certify your team members to establish authority and deliver results

WalkMe Certifications

Role-based training for qualifying your team to drive real impact
  • Certification Program
  • What You'll Do
  • Career Focus Common backgrounds

  • Certification Program
  • What You'll Do
  • Career Focus Common backgrounds

Build Digital Adoption Projects
WalkMe Builder

Create DAP content, build smart content, perform testing, and deploy automations.

  • IT Implementation
  • L&D Content Production
  • Internal Comms Production
  • Line of Business Operations
  • Web and Software Development
  • Certification Program
  • What You'll Do
  • Career Focus Common backgrounds

Manage Digital Adoption Projects
WalkMe Project Lead

Own DAP projects, intake process, manage scope, budget, schedule, and risks.

  • Project (PMP) or Product Management
  • Data Analytics
  • Manager of the DAP team or
    larger team where the DAP
    team resides
  • Certification Program
  • What You'll Do
  • Career Focus Common backgrounds

Lead Digital Adoption Programs
WalkMe Program Manager

Accountable for the digital adoption program strategy, value delivery, and governance.

Senior Leadership in:

  • IT
  • HR and L&D
  • Internal Comms
  • Line of Business
Build Digital Adoption Projects
WalkMe Builder

Create DAP content, build smart content, perform testing, and deploy automations.

  • IT Implementation
  • L&D Content Production
  • Internal Comms Production
  • Line of Business Operations
  • Web and Software Development
Manage Digital Adoption Projects
WalkMe Project Lead

Own DAP projects, intake process, manage scope, budget, schedule, and risks.

  • Project (PMP) or Product Management
  • Data Analytics
  • Manager of the DAP team or
    larger team where the DAP
    team resides
Lead Digital Adoption Programs
WalkMe Program Manager

Accountable for the digital adoption program strategy, value delivery, and governance.

Senior Leadership in:

  • IT
  • HR and L&D
  • Internal Comms
  • Line of Business
Build Digital Adoption Projects
WalkMe Builder

Create DAP content, build smart content, perform testing, and deploy automations.

  • IT Implementation
  • L&D Content Production
  • Internal Comms Production
  • Line of Business Operations
  • Web and Software Development
Manage Digital Adoption Projects
WalkMe Project Lead

Own DAP projects, intake process, manage scope, budget, schedule, and risks.

  • Project (PMP) or Product Management
  • Data Analytics
  • Manager of the DAP team or
    larger team where the DAP
    team resides
Lead Digital Adoption Programs
WalkMe Program Manager

Accountable for the digital adoption program strategy, value delivery, and governance.

Senior Leadership in:

  • IT
  • HR and L&D
  • Internal Comms
  • Line of Business