About Digital
Adoption Institute
The Digital Adoption Institute (DAI) is a professional education organization and division of WalkMe Inc. that aims to enable digital adoption professionals and deliver immense value to its students and the companies where they work. Our goal is to train, certify, and engage individuals in the DAP marketplace now - as it is emerging and ripe with opportunity. Through online and in-person training, certifications, application and assessment we ensure the knowledge and skills gained at DAI will help build, lead, and deliver adoption projects as part of an organization's digital transformation journey.
Increase Employee Performance -
Maximize the Value of Digital Adoption
Build DAP Self-sufficiency
Reduce project cost and complication long-term by growing strategic skill sets internally
Reduce Time to Value
Accelerate digital adoption projects by reducing dependencies on external resources
The Enterprise Opportunity
Reap more value with a holistic view of digital adoption versus the departmental approach
Establish Authority
Demonstrate that you are a qualified agent of change maximizing the impact of digital transformation

About WalkMe
WalkMe maximizes and accelerates the impact of your digital transformation strategy by driving user adoption of your digital assets. Leverage WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform to constantly identify gaps and problem areas, and drive users to success, codelessly, and without changes to your underlying platforms.
Discover the platform