Build Digital Adoption Content

WalkMe Certified Builder Program

Creates and deploys DAP content to meet project objectives, performs discovery, runs testing, and analyzes solutions.

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WalkMe Certified Builders are equipped & empowered with best practices

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    Company Benefits

    Save time by using best practices to reduce errors and redo work. Deploy digital adoption solutions that increase your return from software investments.

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    Individual Benefits

    Advance through a series of levels to build your skill set towards mastery. Leverage real-world scenarios to apply WalkMe solutions to real problems and analyze success.

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    New DAP Powers You’ll Have

    Transform business objectives into action: uncover risks, build and deploy user-facing solutions, test and troubleshoot, and analyze user behavior using analytics.

WalkMe Builder Certification

  • Level I

    Self-Paced Course Access and Certification Exam

    Everything you need to begin your career in digital adoption as a project lead.

  • Level II

    Self-Paced Course Access and Certification Exam

    Level I is required to gain access to these additional competencies that elevate your impact.

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    Level III

    Coming soon!

    Level I and II are required to gain access and we recommend having completed 2 projects.